Saturday, August 29, 2015

Are you signed up for our-------

Get into the holiday spirit as we tackle Halloween,
 Thanksgiving & Christmas 
all in one day!  
Come and enjoy creating an assortment of at least a dozen 
projects ranging from cards, tags, gifts and more!

Date: Saturday, October 10
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $45 (bring favorite adhesive(s) & scissors; all other supplies + lunch included)
RSVP by: September 26
Location: Adobe Wells Clubhouse #1: 1220 Tasman Drive, Sunnyvale 
_________________________________________________________________________________                                                      Registration Form
Name: _______________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________Phone Number: ________________________
# of Participants Registering: ______  First Names for Badges: _________________________________________
Any food allergies/restrictions? ___________________________________________________
**Cancellation Policy—you have 48 hours after payment for a full refund up until RSVP deadline; after this time, you have the option of a kit OR to sell your spot to a friend.**
PAYMENT METHOD Check (made payable to your CTMH Consultant) OR Credit Card is accepted.  Registration confirmation/receipt and further information will be emailed.
Please check appropriate box:
q  Check                      
q  VISA                                        Expiration Date: _____________
q  Mastercard                             Card #: _____________________________________
q  Discover                                  Print Cardholder Name: ________________________
3-Digit Security Code: ___________
Billing Zip Code: _______________

 Contact me at 408-828-8740 and I will give you my mailing address to return registration form

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