Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sadly some products will be gone soon
 to make room for all the new products. 

New Catalog comes out August 1st, 2016

Order before they are gone forever

Look who turned 50!!!!

July 12, 2016 I turned 50 years old!

My family threw me a big party!
Here we are all a little crazy. 

My daughter Katrina and sister Amanda (lives in Utah) surprised me. They had Amanda fly out and show up at my work.  

Out to lunch at Applebee's
Left-me and daughter Karissa from Alabama
Right-sister Amanda, daughters Karina (in purple) and Kassie.

Another surprise--Kassie is pregnant and I will be a grandma in January. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Everyone likes a GREAT deal

See what you can find on Clearance!